I'm trying my hands on encryption for a while now. I recently got hands on this python based crypter named PythonCrypter.
I'm fairly new to Python and when I try to open the CodeSection.py file via terminal, I get error saying from Crypto.Cipher import AES
ImportError: No Module Named Crypto.Cipher
What am I doing wrong?
I just encountered this issue with Python 2.7 on Windows. My solution was to rename the folder from ..\site-packages\crypto to ..\site-packages\Crypto. The lower case "c" was causing the import error.
See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3309 for details.
I think u should try this:
I know this has already been answered, but I want to expand a little bit
if you do this run the below to remove it:
Now, to install type:
On macOS Catalina this will automatically install the pycrypto package for Python3.6 ONLY.
This means that if you run:
It wil fail. Unless of course Python3 is set as your default.
Now if you really want to run pycrypto on Python2 you can run the below
You will need the sudo for this to work!
This will install pycrypto for Python2 only.
I hope this helps someone who might be installing then running with python2, or who wants the package installed with Python2 but is continuously installing with the Python3 package
In ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS installing pycryptodome package resolved the issue
PyCrypto doesn't play well with Windows systems if you're installing using pip or easy_install... or at least it didn't for me.
Try using the prebuilt binaries for Windows here: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycrypto
That works for me.
The point is, when you install
, you should removeCrypto