Are there any techniques to optimize code in order to ensure lesser power consumption.Architecture is ARM.language is C
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On some ARM processors it's possible to reduce power consumption by putting the voltage regulator in standby mode.
Yes. Use a profiler and see what routines are using most of the CPU. On ARM you can use some JTAG connectors, if available (I used Lauterbach both for debugging and for profiling). The main problem is generally to put your processor, when in idle, in a low-consumption state (deep sleep). If you cannot reduce the CPU percentage used by much (for example from 80% to 50%) it won't make a big difference. Depending on what operating systems you are running the options may vary.
The July 2010 edition of the Communications of the ACM has an article on energy-efficient algorithms which might interest you. I haven't read it yet so cannot impart any of its wisdom.
From the ARM technical reference site:
Based on this information, I'd say that the processor does a lot of work for you to save power. Any power wastage would come from poorly written code that does more processing than necessary, which you wouldn't want anyway. If you're looking to save power, the overall design of your application will have more effect. Network access, screen rendering, and other power-hungry operations will be of more concern for power consumption.
Optimizing code to use less power is, effectively, just optimizing code. Regardless of whether your motives are monetary, social, politital or the like, fewer CPU cycles = less energy used. What I'm trying to say is I think you can probably replace "power consumption" with "execution time", as they would, essentially, be directly proportional - and you therefore may have more success when not "scaring" people off with a power-related question. I may, however, stand corrected :)
If you are not running Windows XP+ or a newer version of Linux, you could run a background thread which does nothing but HLT.
This is how programs like CPUIdle reduce power consumption/heat.