I am trying to create a swarm setup on my laptop. I am running swarm daemon on laptop, and running 2 Ubuntu 14.04 VM as docker node. On one of the nodes I am able to run swarm and I can connect to swarm daemon. I can list the node with docker info and spawn a container on it. But when I try to pull swarm image on another VM node, I get the following error:
pensu@pensu-virtual-machine:~$ sudo docker pull swarm
Pulling repository swarm
FATA[0025] Get https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/swarm/images: dial tcp: lookup index.docker.io on read udp i/o timeout
I checked and someone said it's a proxy issue. But I am not using any proxy server. Here are other relevant information:
pensu@pensu-virtual-machine:~$ sudo docker version
Client version: 1.5.0
Client API version: 1.17
Go version (client): go1.4.1
Git commit (client): a8a31ef
OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64
Server version: 1.5.0
Server API version: 1.17
Go version (server): go1.4.1
Git commit (server): a8a31ef
Here is my /etc/default/docker:
pensu@pensu-virtual-machine:~$ cat /etc/default/docker
# Docker Upstart and SysVinit configuration file
# Customize location of Docker binary (especially for development testing).
# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
#DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"
# If you need Docker to use an HTTP proxy, it can also be specified here.
#export http_proxy=""
# This is also a handy place to tweak where Docker's temporary files go.
#export TMPDIR="/mnt/bigdrive/docker-tmp"
Any idea about what am I doing wrong?
Update: This is something different. I was trying this all from home. Today morning I came to office, logged in and voila, I was able to pull the image!
Not sure what is the reason, but looks like I will need to come to office to pull docker images!
I had the same issue, my solution for this is, run following commands.
This basically delete the vm image use by boot2docker and start over. This won't delete your local images.Then execute docker pull command.
Just stop and restart your docker host:
Credits to: https://forums.docker.com/t/pulling-docker-images-i-o-timeout/740/6
I tried all the solutions that are stated but they didn't help. What fixed the problem for me is the tip posted here,
Updated for modern times:
docker-machine restart default
doesn't fix it).This error message:
tells that connection to local dns server ( ends with timeout.
I guess this issue is connected with network/dns configuration on virtual machine.
When this happened to me, it turned out the image had already been downloaded before, but it was defect due to a problem during the earlier download.
I'm not sure why this lead to the above error message, but after removing the image, it downloaded without problems.
So to fix it:
Note the id of the problem image, then
Then re-download