I need a little help with refreshing one of my activities in my application. I'm using tab host activity and connecting to web service and downloading some data from one of my child activities. When I press sync button in my child activity I'm starting a new activity which is not in tab host and when the sync is done, it returns to it's parent (child activity). The thing that I want to achieve is to refresh the activity when I return back to it. As I checked over the internet I find that the best option to do it is using startActivityForResult
,but I don't really understand how to use that and how to refresh the activity when I receive the result from the finished activity.
If anyone can help me, I'll be really glad.Thanks!
I'm using this code and it's not even showing the Log in onActivityResult
MyCollectionId.class :
Intent intent = new Intent(MyCollectionId.this, Synchronization.class);
intent.putExtra("process", 2);
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Intent refresh = new Intent(this, MyCollectionId.class);
Synchronization.class :
Intent intent = new Intent();
If you start your second activity with the method
, when you return to the first activity,onActivityResult
of the first activity will be called.If you override it, you can refresh your activity from there.
See more information here and here
You should handle the result of activity that you started with "startActivityForResult" in a parent activity in a method:
And depending on result you could just invoke again a code that is responsible for showing the information in your parent activity (may be you put it into onResume() method or like that).
I would suggest you to move all the logic responsible for information rendering to a separate method. And invoke it after you recieve the result. Instead of restarting your parent activity.
Another tricky way to do this is just start your activity on
That should do the trick actually. (In this code I'm showing the way it's done when you are using a custom TabActivity manager.)
on button press:
Then in the same Activity class:
The Sync Activity would have:
method inside activity you want to refresh, and recreate the activityCall child activity using startActivityForResult with request code,SetResult from the child Activity. And when the child activity is finished, you can update you parent activity in onActivityResult method
Here is an example http://rahulonblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/android-startactivityforresult-example.html