Greetings all,
I am trying to use QT internationalization with CMake. I have configured my cmake file as follows :
#Internalization - this should generate core_jp.ts ?
#these are my source files in the project
But it doesnt genereate any TS nor QM files.
My questions -
1.Does Cmake(by using QT tools) generate TS files automatically extracting "tr()" methods from the source ? (that means I dont have to create any TS file and above i18n/core_jp.ts will be genereated automatically)
2.What exacly are QM files ?
Thanks in advance
Translation binary files (*.qm) according to
Also from the bottom of that website
can you use lupdate.exe, linguist.exe and lrelease.exe from qt/[qt_version]/[msvc|mingw|...]/bin/ ?
you can use it like that:
so, [source-file|path] - is you option, like i think. try to call it with list of source files names.
My solution relies on manually invoked lupdate and lrelease tools via add_custom_target, so the generated files are not removed on make clean and put into the source directory.
I defined a function that scans provided directory, generates/updates ts files, and compiles them into qm files in the same directory, so they can be added to the app via .qrc file
In CMake documentation see
macros.So you should do the followings: