I am new in the Wpf & Mvvm world , but I have found a couple of examples and just found that there is some different way to instantiate the model. I would like to know the best/correct way to do it. both ways are using Unity
What I've foud:
var navigatorView = new MainView();
navigatorView.DataContext = m_Container.Resolve<INavigatorViewModel>();
What I did:
var navigatorView = m_Container.Resolve<MainView>;
and I changed the constructor to receive viewmodel so I can point the datacontext to it:
public MainView(NavigatorViewModel navigatorViewModel)
this.DataContext = navigatorViewModel;
Other examples I've found another way like:
...vm = new viewmodel
...m = new model
v.model = vm;
get/set DataContext
What you got there makes sense and in both cases is a View-first approach to creating a viewmodel. I.e. the view creates the ViewModel. In the original example the viewmodel is created outside of the view (and is sometimes referred to as marriage pattern), but as far as I am concerned that's the same thing - creation of the view creates the ViewModel.
If this suits your needs stick with it. Another approach you might look into is ViewModel first where the viewmodel takes a dependency on the view like so:
Then you can inject this view like so:
I like Igor's suggestion, but without the viewmodel having knowledge of the view. I prefer my dependencies to go one direction (View -> ViewModel -> Model).
What I do is ViewModel-First and just DataTemplate the viewmodel. So I do this:
With the addition of the ViewModel -> View mapping done with a WPF datatemplate (I don't think this approach is possible with Silverlight, though)
That's it! I love this approach. I like the way it feels like magic. It also has the following advantages: