I have a table with each cell containing a label and a text field. Problem is that when i go to edit the last row, keyboard hides the lower portion of the table, and i can't see what is being typed. How can i move my interface above the keyboard so i see what is being typed?
Thanks, Mustafa
Removing/commenting the lines where the rect hight is being modified seems to solve the problem. Thanks.
Modified Code:
try this my coding this will help for u
Just make sure that you have enough scrolling space below that. Because according to my knowledge the iPhone automatically adjusts and shows the focused textbox at the time its keyboard appears.
This problem is complex depending on your UI scenario. Here I will discuss a scenario that where UITextField or UITextview resides in a UITableViewCell.
You need to use NSNotificationCenter to detect UIKeyboardDidShowNotification event. see http://iosdevelopertips.com/user-interface/adjust-textfield-hidden-by-keyboard.html. You need to shrink the UITableView frame size so that it occupies only the screen area that is not covered by the keyboard.
You need to call
to programmatically "tap" the cell.
If you implement both points, you will see the UITextView/Field position right above the keyboard. Bare in mind that the UITableViewCell where the UITableView/Field resides cannot be taller than the "not covered" area. If this is not the case for you, there is a different approach for it but I will not discuss here.
You'll want to register your viewController for
events. When you get these, you should adjust the bounds of your table; the keyboard is 170 pixels height, so just shrink or grow your table bounds appropriately, and it should properly adjust to the keyboard.