Flask-WTForms provides CSRF protection. It works great when using normal HTML forms, but the process is less clear when using AJAX. I have a file upload in my form, and I split the process in two with AJAX: the file goes to the upload
endpoint while the rest of the form goes to the submit
endpoint. Since the file is posted with AJAX, it doesn't get a CSRF token, but I want to protect the upload
endpoint from attacks. How can I generate a CSRF token when using AJAX?
@app.route('/submit', methods=["GET","POST"])
def submit():
form = MyForm()
if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
# success, csrf checks out and data is validated
# do stuff
csrf_for_uploads = # generate csrf?
return render_template('some_form.html', form=form, csrf_for_uploads=csrf_for_uploads)
@app.route('/upload', methods=["POST"])
def upload():
myfile = request.files['file']
# How do I verify CSRF now?
The documentation speaks a bit about implementing CSRF protection with regards to AJAX.
You can enable the module:
and then use this in your AJAX POST call:
Hope this helps!