I am on windows 7 64 bit. I have a csv file 'data.csv'. I want to import data to a postgresql table 'temp_unicommerce_status' via a python script.
My Script is:
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("host='localhost' port='5432' dbname='Ekodev' user='bn_openerp' password='fa05844d'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""truncate table "meta".temp_unicommerce_status;""")
cur.execute("""Copy temp_unicommerce_status from 'C:\Users\n\Desktop\data.csv';""")
I am getting this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\n\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Unicommerce_Status_Update\src\unicommerce_status_update.py", line 5, in <module>
cur.execute("""Copy temp_unicommerce_status from 'C:\\Users\\n\\Desktop\\data.csv';""")
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
HINT: Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone.
I am going to post some of the errors I ran into trying to copy a csv file to a database on a linux based system....
here is an example csv file:
You must install the library psycopg2 (i.e. pip install psycopg2 or sudo apt install python3-psycopg2 )
You must have postgres installed on your system before you can use psycopg2 (sudo apt install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib )
Now you must create a database to store the csv unless you already have postgres setup with a pre-existing database
After installing postgres it creates a default user account which gives you access to postgres commands
To switch to the postgres account issue: sudo -u postgres psql
Acess the prompt by issuing: psql
command to create a database
create database mytestdb;
connect to the database to create a table
\connect mytestdb;
create a table with same csv column names
create table test(name char(50), age char(50), height char(50));
copy csv file to table
copy mytestdb 'path/to/csv' with csv header;
COPY CSV USING PYTHON The main issue I ran into with copying the csv file to a database was I didn't have the database created yet, however this can be done with python still.
Try to do the same as the root user - postgres. If it were linux system, you could change file's permissions or move the file to /tmp. The problem results from missing credentials to read from the filesystem.
Use the
cursor methodThe file must be passed as an object.
Since you are coping from a csv file it is necessary to specify the separator as the default is a tab character
You can use d6tstack which makes this simple
It also deals with data schema changes, create/append/replace table and allows you to preprocess data with pandas.
I know this question has been answered, but here are my two cent. I am adding little more description:
You can use
method :First you have to create a table with same no of columns as your csv file.
My csv looks like this:
First create a table:
Now you can simply use cursor.copy_from where you need three parameters :
you can copy now :
The way I solved this problem particular to use psychopg2 cursor class function copy_expert (Docs: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html). copy_expert allows you to use STDIN therefore bypassing the need to issue a superuser privilege for the postgres user. Your access to the file then depends on the client (linux/windows/mac) user's access to the file
From Postgres COPY Docs (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-copy.html):
You can also leave the permissions set strictly for access to the development_user home folder and the App folder.