When you want to pull an element out of a data structure, you have to give its index. But the meaning of index depends on the data structure itself.
class Indexed f where
type Ix f
(!) :: f a -> Ix f -> Maybe a -- indices can be out of bounds
For example...
Elements in a list have numeric positions.
data Nat = Z | S Nat
instance Indexed [] where
type Ix [] = Nat
[] ! _ = Nothing
(x:_) ! Z = Just x
(_:xs) ! (S n) = xs ! n
Elements in a binary tree are identified by a sequence of directions.
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
data TreeIx = Stop | GoL TreeIx | GoR TreeIx -- equivalently [Bool]
instance Indexed Tree where
type Ix Tree = TreeIx
Leaf ! _ = Nothing
Node l x r ! Stop = Just x
Node l x r ! GoL i = l ! i
Node l x r ! GoR j = r ! j
Looking for something in a rose tree entails stepping down the levels one at a time by selecting a tree from the forest at each level.
data Rose a = Rose a [Rose a] -- I don't even like rosé
data RoseIx = Top | Down Nat RoseIx -- equivalently [Nat]
instance Indexed Rose where
type Ix Rose = RoseIx
Rose x ts ! Top = Just x
Rose x ts ! Down i j = ts ! i >>= (! j)
It seems that the index of a product type is a sum (telling you which arm of the product to look at), the index of an element is the unit type, and the index of a nested type is a product (telling you where to look in the nested type). Sums seem to be the only one which aren't somehow linked to the derivative. The index of a sum is also a sum - it tells you which part of the sum the user is hoping to find, and if that expectation is violated you're left with a handful of Nothing
In fact I had some success implementing !
generically for functors defined as the fixed point of a polynomial bifunctor. I won't go into detail, but Fix f
can be made an instance of Indexed
when f
is an instance of Indexed2
class Indexed2 f where
type IxA f
type IxB f
ixA :: f a b -> IxA f -> Maybe a
ixB :: f a b -> IxB f -> Maybe b
... and it turns out you can define an instance of Indexed2
for each of the bifunctor building blocks.
But what's really going on? What is the underlying relationship between a functor and its index? How does it relate to the functor's derivative? Does one need to understand the theory of containers (which I don't, really) to answer this question?
It seems like the index into the type is an index into the set of constructors, following by an index into the product representing that constructor. This can be implemented quite naturally with e.g. generics-sop.
First you need a datatype to represent possible indices into a single element of the product. This could be an index pointing to an element of type
, or an index pointing to something of typeg b
- which requires an index pointing intog
and an index pointing to an element of typea
. This is encoded with the following type:The index itself is just a sum (implemented by
for n-ary sum) of sums over the generic representation of the type (choice of constructor, choice of constructor element):You can write smart constructors for various indices:
Note that e.g. in the list case, you cannot construct an (non-bottom) index pointing to the
constructor - likewise forTree
, or constructors containing values whose type is nota
or something containing some values of typea
. The quantification inMkIx
prevents the construction bad things like an index pointing to the firstInt
indata X x = X Int x
is instantiated toInt
.The implementation of the index function is fairly straightforward, even if the types are scary:
function compares the constructor pointed to by the index and the actual constructor used by the type. If the constructors don't match, the indexing returnsNothing
. If they do, the actual indexing is done - which is trivial in the case that the index points exactlyHere
, and in the case of some substructure, both indexing operations must succeed one after the other, which is handled by>>=
.And a simple test: