I had never done migrating a site on wordpress, I'll put step by step how I did, need to put the site on a new domain that are on the same server, so only the migrated files, the database is equal.
I copied all the files from the old wordpress to the new site folder, I had the following result on the new site: Home - The site carries the theme but a message appears: 404: PAGE OR FILE NOT FOUND. newsite/wp-admin/ - redirect to oldsite/wp-admin/
I have the option in the site administrator old put the new URL but I'm afraid I could never access. it can go?
STILL if nothing works
GOTO : www.yoursiteurl.com/wp-admin
['YES' IT WILL OPEN , if you have migrated correctly]
GOTO : Settings => General Tab =>
you will see two fields their
Make URLs same in Both fields SAVE changes
Enter your site URL in browser clear cache and reload Yeahhh.... Worked for me
Dont forget to modify WP_Options table with your site URL details. Take care my site