I'm currently writing a telnet server in Python. It's a content server. People would connect to the server via telnet, and be presented with text-only content.
My problem is that the server would obviously need to support more than one simultaneous connection. The current implementation I have now supports only one.
This is the basic, proof-of-concept server I began with (while the program has changed greatly over time, the basic telnet framework hasn't):
import socket, os
class Server:
def __init__(self):
self.host, self.port = 'localhost', 50000
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.bind((self.host, self.port))
def send(self, msg):
if type(msg) == str: self.conn.send(msg + end)
elif type(msg) == list or tuple: self.conn.send('\n'.join(msg) + end)
def recv(self):
def exit(self):
self.send('Disconnecting you...'); self.conn.close(); self.run()
# closing a connection, opening a new one
# main runtime
def run(self):
self.conn, self.addr = self.socket.accept()
# there would be more activity here
# i.e.: sending things to the connection we just made
S = Server()
Thanks for your help.
You need some form of asynchronous socket IO. Have a look at this explanation, which discusses the concept in low-level socket terms, and the related examples which are implemented in Python. That should point you in the right direction.
For a really easy win implement you solution using SocketServer & the SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn
have a look a this echo server example it looks quite similar to what you're doing anyway: http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2007/12/pymotw_socketserver.html
Implemented in twisted:
Seriously, when it comes to asynchronous network, twisted is the way to go. It handles multiple connections in a single-thread single-process approach.
Try MiniBoa server? It has exactly 0 dependencies, no twisted or other stuff needed. MiniBoa is a non-blocking async telnet server, single threaded, exactly what you need.
If you want to do it in pure python (sans-twisted), you need to do some threading. If you havnt seen it before, check out: http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/~matloff/Python/PyThreads.pdf
around page 5/6 is an example that is very relevant ;)
Late for the reply, but with the only answers being Twisted or threads (ouch), I wanted to add an answer for MiniBoa.
Twisted is great, but it's a rather large beast that may not be the best introduction to single-threaded asynchronous Telnet programming. MiniBoa is a lightweight, asynchronous single-threaded Python Telnet implementation originally designed for muds, which suits the OP's question perfectly.