From Eclipse I'm used that when I start typing a comment for a class or method, the parameters, return types and exceptions are autogenerated. But in VisualStudio 2010 I can't find something like this. Any hints how to achieve that?
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You can use Ghostddoc to generate alot of your xml comments:
I think there is a free version available.
GhostDoc is a free extension that will do this. Just hit (by default) Ctrl+D anywhere within a method, and it will add XML Documentation comments with defaults filled in (though they typically should be modified/expanded).
Use "///" instead of "//" for comments. For example, the following comment was auto-generated by just starting to type "///":
The only way I know to do this is on the line right above your method just type "///" and it will generate a comment template based on the method.
Try typing "///" one line ahead of a method. Tell me if that is what you are looking for.