I need to get an RTSP stream of a livestream.com account. I was reading some of the API documentation for livestream.com, but they have a new website (new.livestream.com), and I cannot find any API documentation talking about that. Does anybody knows if there is an API for the new livestream.com website which allows me to get an RTSP stream? Thanks in advance.
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I Know this is a bit old, but i was asking that very same question and i this is how i've done it:
I've found this URL/API call, for the new livestream, to get the details of an event's stream
This gives you a JSON response with details of streams for that event, including the URL of the RTSP stream (streamInfo -> rtsp_url)
Just be sure to call this before playing a livestream event, because the URL changes from time to time (i think they use some sort of load balancing/CDN network or something) and you should get the latest URL each time.
BTW: To get the [account_id] and [event_id] just look at the URL of an event in new.livestream.com the URLs are something like
Also, i'm not sure if this is a public API, but it works for now.