I am using a mailto:
filled in JavaScript to send information throughout my web application, but everytime a user presses the Send button, it opens a new tab in the browser before opening the mailing application (Outlook, Gmail, etc).
Is there any way to prevent the blank tab from opening?
Edit: This issue is encountered in all following major browsers : Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.
I am using window.open()
to send emails, is there any known alternatives?
Here is how I send the email:
var mailto_link = 'mailto:'+email+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+body_message;
var win = window.open(mailto_link,'emailWindow');
I don't want to use window.location.href
since I am displaying a message after the user sent the email.
Try naming the window (myWindow) and adding a close() command:
This should close the extra browser window and keep the email application open. At least it worked for me.
The window.location.href solution by AmShaegar works pretty well but it caused side effect in a complex application I have been developping.
I finally came up with this solution one might be interested in:
See this plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/J0LvQU?p=preview