Is it possible to define an anonymous implementation of IComparer?
I believe Java allows anonymous classes to be defined inline - does C#?
Looking at this code I want to define a custom IComparer
public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
IComparer<TKey> comparer
The .NET framework version 4.5 provides the method Comparer.Create(Comparison) to create comparers based on a specified comparison delegate (which can be a lambda function). However people who are working with earlier versions of .NET will probably need to implement something similar themselves.
Array.Sort(arrayName, (x,y) => string.Compare(x.Name,y.Name,StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
No, C# does not currently allow inline interface implementations; although it does allow you to create delegates inline through lambda expressions and anonymous methods.
In your case, I would suggest using a
that makes it easy to use this feature, such as the one listed here.C# does not allow implementing interfaces using anonymous inner classes inline, unlike Java. For simple comparisons (i.e. comparing on a single key), there is a better way to do this in C#. You can simply use the
method and pass in a lambda expression specifying the key.Take a look at these 2 SO questions, they tackle essentially the same problem
Use of Distinct with list of Custom Object
Wrap a delegate in an IEqualityComparer
If you go this way, you should pay special attention to Slaks' comments and Dan Tao's answer about the hashcode implementation
As indicated in one of the comments below, .Net 4.5 allows this via a static method on the Comparer<> class, e.g. comparing two objects based on the value of a property in the class:
Obviously this can be used inline rather than assigned to a variable.