How I could add R.raw class to my android project? Now I haven't /res/raw folder at all (and class as well). And I can't find any tools in eclipse to do that. So how to add R.raw?
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Adding a raw folder to your resource folder (/res/) should do the trick.
Read more here:
Here is the string to access files in raw folder. Replace filename with name of your file.
android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.filename
Right click on package or Res folder click on new on popup then click on android resource directory
a new window will be appear change the resource type to raw and hit OK copy and past song to raw folder remember don't drag and drop song file to raw folder and song spell should be in lower case! This method is for Android Studio Also Check MY Link
To get it to recognize the raw file, make sure you create it, and add it as a raw resource file. Then go to build.gradle file and add this block of code.
(With reference to Android Studio)
Create a new directory in res folder. Make sure to create new "Android Resource Directory" and not new "Directory".
Then ensure that there is at least one valid file in it. It should show up now.
Simply add a folder 'raw' to your res folder.