I'm trying to use the default_url in my application but I store the images using S3. I'm not sure what URL I need to put in there or if I have to create a fake image just to get everything up there.
Since my images always render through S3, I don't know if it would work if I just put in some default images in my public folder. It doesn't seem to be working now - I also only have one image in there, and I know it has to resize. I can manually put the resized images in there but I'm still not sure what URL to use with default. Please help :)
try this out:
:default_url => ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('missing.png')
I use paperclip with S3 with default images in the public folder. It works fine. My default_url statement looks like this:
which means that for my attachment named avatar, setup with the styles small and large, I must create and put these images in the public dir:
It's pretty well documented.
For your reference, or in the case the problem is really somewhere else, here is my full paperclip statement: