I want to make voronoi treemaps for statistics data, like newsgraphy
Do you know how I can do that in Perl, PHP, Ruby, or Python?
I want to make voronoi treemaps for statistics data, like newsgraphy
Do you know how I can do that in Perl, PHP, Ruby, or Python?
The latest version (2.0) of Macrofocus TreeMap has the Voronoi algorithm as an option, among others.
Nice demos and graphics for Python: http://home.scarlet.be/zoetrope/voronoi/ (Archived copy at wayback)
James Tauber is writing a tutorial that uses JavaScript and Fortune's algorithm to draw a Voronoi diagram in a
element: Voronoi Canvas TutorialIt's not complete yet (he's at part 3 of 4) but there's enough there to complete it I think.
the other Python answer seems to point at a raster only solution. I am also interested in solving this problem (in Python) and I think the following script could form a usable starting point:
(Archived copy at wayback)
Just found this page. I've been working on a Voronoi demo applet using Javascript/canvas, after translating into Javascript a C# version of Steven Fortune's algorithm by Benjamin Dittes (available at Code Project, see "Fortune's Voronoi algorithm implemented in C#"). Here is the page which include Fortune's Voronoi algorithm in Javascript: http://www.raymondhill.net/voronoi/voronoi.php This is a first iteration, I plan to adapt it further to be better suited to Javascript. Hope this helps.