Can I have mobile gestures like swipe, tap, pinch etc in the Backbone.js View events? To be more specific following is my code.
"swipe-left #homeBtn":"homeSwipe"
alert("Event Swipe left triggered!");
Can I have the mobile gestures like swipe, swipe-left/right, pinch, tap etc to work with backbone.js?
Backbone relies on jQuery.bind to manage the DOM events.
So the question is that if jQuery supports these events and looks like jQuery Mobile does, now you have to check how to integrate jQuery Mobile and Backbone.
Download and include Hammer.js and then use Backbone view events like normal!
Also, you could take a look at my simple Backbone view Gist
Based on the feedback, it looks like
new Hammer(this.el)
must be called on the backbone view for this to work. I've updated the example to reflect this.