In order to handle Spark exception on RDD operations I can use the following approach with additional exceptions
val df: DataFrame = ...
val rddWithExcep = { row: Row =>
val memberIdStr = row.getAs[String]("member_id")
val memberIdInt = Try(memberIdStr.toInt) match {
case Success(integer) => List(integer, null)
case Failure(ex) => List(null, ex.toString)
Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq.toList ++ memberIdInt)
val castWithExceptionSchema = StructType(df.schema.fields ++ Array(StructField("member_id_int", IntegerType, true)
, StructField("exceptions", StringType, true)))
val castExcepDf = sparkSession.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rddWithExcep, castWithExceptionSchema)
Is it possible to handle such exception on Spark SQL? For example, currently in case of any errors, Spark SQL simply returns null
value and hides the error.
For example division by 0 will be resulted into null
value and not into an error..
In my opinion - this is a very serious issue in Spark SQL because it can simple produces unexpected/wrong data that you won't even notice.
Is it possible to override this behavior and let Spark fail with an appropriate detailed exception?