I would like to settle on a tool to create/maintain my custom eclipse distrib (starting with next 3.6). By studying previous questions main contenders seem:
- Pulse
- Yoxos
- Google Workspace Mechanic: recently announced
- doing it yourself in eclipse
Has anyone experiences in several of them and can comment on advantages etc?? My wishes are:
- by 'distrib' I mean: plugins, settings & preferences...
- be able to use the same eclipse setup in several workstations
- MAYBE sharing with other members of the team
- works across 3.5 and next 3.6: I don't know if it's possible. And anyway I would not object to customize the distrib once per new eclipse major release
Basically I was looking for the similar plugin or product. Pulse and Yoxos both supports plugin sync and workspace preference sync which is what i was mostly expecting.
Workspace Mechanic Its very cool, more flexible plugin, but will sync only workspace preferences across eclipse installations
Personally I'm settled with Yoxos now.
Also refer
Same plugins: I would just create update site with my plugins, or composite update site pointing to update sites with plugins you're interested in. Or you can simply use Eclipse Marketplace, which can create such update site for you from plugins you mark as favorite. Yoxos and Pulse should also work fine.
Same settings / preferences: Workspace Mechanic from Google may do the job for you. Beware: it is new project, which was just released into public. Disclaimer: I have no real experience with it :-) Pulse Team Edition should also be able to help (see previous disclaimer though).
I think Sonatype Maven Studio leverages Maven to include Eclipse provisioning.
I was in search for something like that myself (but more driven by the shared team approach), and I highly recommend the new Yoxos 5 Beta. It features synchronization of plugins and settings, while all your other suggestions only synchronize either plugins or settings, if I remember correctly.
In addition to your list, it might also be interesting to have your own mirrored update site, so its easier to control which version of which plugin can be installed at all (that also being more important in a corporate environment). See Eclipse help for details on how to create that mirrored site.