I'm trying to upload files to my Amazon S3 Bucket. S3 and amazon is set up. This is the error message from Amazon:
Conflicting query string parameters: acl, policy
Policy and signature is encoded, with Crypto.js for Node.js
var crypto=Npm.require("crypto");
I'm trying to build POST request with Meteor HTTP.post method. This could be wrong as well.
var BucketName="mybucket";
var AWSAccessKeyId="MY_ACCES_KEY";
var AWSSecretKey="MY_SECRET_KEY";
//create policy
"expiration": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"conditions": [
{"bucket": BucketName},
["starts-with", "$key", "uploads/"],
{"acl": 'public-read'},
["starts-with", "$Content-Type", ""],
["content-length-range", 0, 1048576],
var policyBase64=encodePolicy(POLICY_JSON);
//create signature
var SIGNATURE = encodeSignature(policyBase64,AWSSecretKey);
console.log('signature: ', SIGNATURE);
This is the POST request I'm using with Meteor:
//Send data----------
var options={
console.log("and HTTP ERROR:",error);
and her I'm encoding the policy and the signature:
// stringify the policy, store it in a NodeJS Buffer object
var buffer=new Buffer(JSON.stringify(jsonPolicy));
// convert it to base64
var policy=buffer.toString("base64");
// replace "/" and "+" so that it is URL-safe.
return policy.replace(/\//g,"_").replace(/\+/g,"-");
var hmac=crypto.createHmac("sha256",secret);
return hmac.digest("hex");
A can't figure out whats going on. There might already be a problem at the POST method, or the encryption, because I don't know these methods too well. If someone could point me to the right direction, to encode, or send POST request to AmazonS3 properly, it could help a lot.
(I don't like to use filepicker.io, because I don't want to force the client to sign up there as well.)
Thanks in advance!!!
Why don't you use the aws-sdk package? It packs all the needed methods for you. For example, here's the simple function for adding a file to bucket:
Direct uploads to S3 you can use the slingshot package:
On the server side declare your directive:
This directive will generate policy and signature automatically.
And them just upload it like this:
check out the S3 meteor package. The readme has a very comprehensive walkthrough of how to get started
First thing is to add the package for s3 file upload.
For Installation: ADD (AWS SDK Smart Package)
$ meteor add peerlibrary: aws-sdk
1.Create Directive upload.js and paste this code.
2.Get Access key and paste it in your
file.3.Now put this upload code in your directive
4.Now in “saveFile” method paste this code
5.In HTML paste this code