I am trying to display the price of an in app purchase using the local currency, so the correct dollar is displayed for both US & CA as well as Euro, GBP etc.
I know each SKProduct has a price which appears during the transaction as an alert view, this appears when confirming the purchase.
However I want to display the price before confirmation.
I was thinking to do something like this:
//Products Array
var productsArray: Array<SKProduct!> = []
//Request Products
func productsRequest(request: SKProductsRequest, didReceiveResponse response: SKProductsResponse) {
if response.products.count != 0 {
for product in response.products {
else {
print("There are no products.")
if response.invalidProductIdentifiers.count != 0 {
let item = SKProduct
for i in productsArray {
if i.localizedTitle == "com.Company.App.item1"
item = i
But this doesn't work as i
Doesn't seem to have a price property.
Does anybody know how I can set a label text to the price of an iAP using the correct local currency?
For example £1.49 GBP is $1.99 US dollars using Apples Pricing Matrix and outputting the value should match the values of the product price when confirming the transaction.
Swift 3 version of Olivier's
Swift 5 and 2019 version:
Create an extension to SKProduct so you can access
conveniently:Original Anser:
Swift 4.2 version of Olivier's answer
The StoreKit Programming Guide has this code snippet for showing the price using the App Store currency:
https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/ShowUI.html Listing 2-3
you should use NSNumberFormatter with the product values for price and priceLocale to output a string that is formatted correctly regardless of the user's location. product.price returns the price in the local currency as an NSDecimalNumber, and product.productLocale returns the NSLocale for the price value.
where priceStringForProduct is function defined elsewhere:-
You might also want to handle the special case where the price is 0.0 (free tier). In this case amend the priceStringForProduct function to:
Edit: Couple other things, when you specify your productArray a more 'Swifty' way of doing it is:
and then in your didRecieveResponse, instead of looping through the products you can just set productsArray as response.products
Edit: To test for a number of different locales I usually make an array of NSLocales and then loop through printing the result. There is a repo with all the localeIdentifiers's here
Simply you just need to do the following
You MUST NOT display the price in the local currency. You must display it in the currency provided by the store. If say a French user purchases from the French app store then the price comes up in Euro, and that's what the user pays. If that user goes to New Zealand and changes his or her locale to New Zealand but stays with the French app store, they are still billed in Euros. So that's what you should display.
You say "£1.49 is $1.99 according to Apple's pricing matrix". But £1.49 IS NOT $1.99. If I, as a British user, go to the USA and buy from the UK app store, I pay £1.49 even if I'm in the USA. And "£1.49" is what the store will tell you.