In MySQL, I would like to create a new table with all the information in this query:
select * into consultaa2 from SELECT
customers_default_address_id= ',
(SELECT a.address_book_id FROM
address_book a where
c.customers_id=a.customers_id order by
address_book_id desc limit 1), '
WHERE customers_id = ', customers_id,
';') AS sql_statement FROM customers c
where c.customers_id > 3894;
The query is too long for the browser to show the concat and I need this to make this updates.
You can do it like this:
is the name of the new table you want to create,SELECT * FROM othertable
is the query that returns the data the table should be created from.*Note that this method does not create a table (as per OP title). To do that see this answer.*
Inserting into a table with information from a query is of the format
In your case, it would be
Just make sure the columns in the table you are inserting into and the columns returned from the select query match.
mysql create new table
Example from mysql commandline.
Insert rows
look what's in there
Create a new table with information from a query
Check if the data moved