trying to validate that an array has zero or more strings in one case and that it has zero or more objects in another , struggling with Joi docs :(
validate: {
headers: Joi.object({
'content-type': "application/vnd.api+json",
accept: "application/vnd.api+json"
}).options({ allowUnknown: true }),
payload : Joi.object().keys({
data : Joi.object().keys({
type: Joi.any().allow('BY_TEMPLATE').required(),
attributes: Joi.object({
to : Joi.string().email().required(),
templateId : Joi.string().required(),
categories : Joi.array().items( //trying to validate here that each element is a string),
variables : Joi.array({
//also trying to validate here that each element is an Object with one key and value
You can also try this way, I have been using it for long time and working fine for me.
If your array is array of objects than use below:
if you array is simple array than:
you can try this:
Joi.array().items(Joi.string().required(), Joi.number().required());
found it hereJoi.array().items()
accepts another Joi schema to use against the array elements. So an array of strings is this easy:Same for an array of objects; just pass an object schema to