I cannot find "do...while..."
I have to code like this:
let bubbleSort a=
let n = Array.length a
let mutable swapped = true
let mutable i = 0
while swapped do
swapped <- false
for j = 0 to n-i-2 do
if a.[j] > a.[j+1] then
let t = a.[j]
a.[j] <- a.[j+1]
a.[j+1] <- t
swapped <- true
i <- i+1
The code is bad without "do...while".
Sadly, "break/continue" are also not available.
I do not know about F# very well, but F# is a functional language. Usually, there is no such thing as "for" or "while" loops in functional programming languages.
Functional languages define functions in a mathematical sense (like f(x) => ...). Writing a program comes down to defining and combining a set of mathematical functions. This means that the only way of coding loops is using recursion.
In Mathematics, there is no way of saying:
What you'd do is define
like:And then use this function as in:
This would be exactly how you implement functions in functional languages. At least, this is true for purely functional languages like Haskell...
You can do something like
I just recently found this way. It feels a bit hacky but what I like is that you can build something more complex what usually caused issues in C#, C++.