Is it possible to customize layout of android.widget.SearchView (I'm using it in actionBar)?
I want to change icon and TextField background.
Is it possible to customize layout of android.widget.SearchView (I'm using it in actionBar)?
I want to change icon and TextField background.
I've found the only one way to do that- to use reflections.
If you use Appcompat v7, there is a way to do it without using reflection:
Declare the following style, and customize only those properties you need to customize, remove the rest (so they are inerhited from the parent style):
Now, in your theme, use the same property:
Of course, your theme must inherit from one of the AppCompat themes, in my case, it was something like this:
Also your activities should extend ActionBarActivity and use the "support" version of the action bar methods. More info here.
I also read an article of a guy that declared the styles in some other way, but also using AppCompat v7:
If you are using android native SearchView and you want to change small search icon, which appears when searchView is expanded, then you are in trouble. Because attribute searchViewSearchIcon is internal, and can't be modified using styles.
Code snippet from SearchView class:
In ActionBarSherlock:
In Holo: