This is Windows 7 with python 2.7
I have a scrapy project in a directory called caps (this is where scrapy.cfg is)
My spider is located in caps\caps\spiders\
I cd into the scrapy project and try to run
scrapy crawl campSpider -o items.json -t json
I get an error that the spider can't be found. The class name is campSpider
spider = self.crawler.spiders.create(spname, **opts.spargs)
File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scrapy-\scrapy\", l
ine 43, in create
raise KeyError("Spider not found: %s" % spider_name)
KeyError: 'Spider not found: campSpider'
Am I missing some configuration item?
If you are following the tutorial from
Then do something like:
The error happens if you try to create the spiders directory yourself under
Check indentation too, the class for my spider was indented one tab. Somehow that makes the class invalid or something.
I had the same issue. When i was using "scrapy list" in cmd the command listed the spider name i was getting the error for, in the list, but while i tried to run it with scrapy crawl, i used to get Scrapy spider not found error. I have used this spider before and everything was fine with it. So i used the secret weapon, i restarted my system and the issue was resolved :D
Have you set up the SPIDER_MODULES setting?
Name attribute in CrawlSpider class defines the spider name and this name is used in command line for calling the spider to work.
In my case, i set 'LOG_STDOUT=True', and scrapyd can not return the results to json response when you are looking for your spiders with '/listspiders.json'. And instead of that, the results are being printed to the log files you set at scrapyd's default_scrapyd.conf file. So, I changed the settings as this, and it worked well.