I am trying to write a script in python, to log into http://insta.friendorfollow.com/
and get the list of the people that are not following back. I want to use "requests module", so far I made numerous attempts with no luck. My code is as follow :
import requests, re
f = open('file', 'w')
r = requests.get('http://insta.friendorfollow.com/')
next_url = re.findall(ur'<a href=\"(.*)\" type=\"submit\"', r.content)
r = requests.get(next_url[0])
action = re.findall(ur'action=\"(.*)\"', r.content)
csrfmiddlewaretoken = re.findall(ur'name=\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" value=\"(.*)\"', r.content)
print action
print csrfmiddlewaretoken
payload = {
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrfmiddlewaretoken[0],
'username': 'SOMEUSER',
g = requests.post("https://instagram.com/"+action[0],
data=payload, allow_redirects=True)
print >> f, g.text
Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong? and what would it be the right way to do it. A script would be much appreciated.
I had success in getting the list. I did a GET to http://insta.friendorfollow.com/following/ with appropriate authentication and I can see the users in the Response.
Here's an example of one of the users that are not following me (Floyd seems to not be interested in my posts)
and some other stuff.. So try adding
to your URLAll is fine now,