Does anyone know how to auto-mount an Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volume when starting a Windows 2003 instance in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?
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You can use the group policy editor to set this script as your startup script. See for more information.
I found the following Ruby code at courtesy of Carson McDonald. It's for Linux/Unix but maybe you can re-swizzle this for Ruby on Windows 2003 or have it serve as a model for doing it in some other scripting language.
Note that you could pass things into your image as user data such as the ECS EBS volume ID and the device name (e.g., /dev/sdh in the following example or whatever it would be in Windows for your case). You can access the user data from the instance itself as meta-data as is roughly done below to get the instance-id. More specifically, you'd access to get to the user-data.