I have been playing around with the MASS package and can plot the two bivariate normal simply using image and par(new=TRUE) for example:
# lets first simulate a bivariate normal sample
bivn <- mvrnorm(1000, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), 2))
bivn2 <- mvrnorm(1000, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = matrix(c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5), 2))
# now we do a kernel density estimate
bivn.kde <- kde2d(bivn[,1], bivn[,2], n = 50)
bivn.kde2 <- kde2d(bivn2[,1], bivn[,2], n = 50)
# fancy perspective
persp(bivn.kde, phi = 45, theta = 30, shade = .1, border = NA)
persp(bivn.kde2, phi = 45, theta = 30, shade = .1, border = NA)
Which doesn't look very good, I guess I have to just play around with the axis and stuff. But if I try a similar approach with the contour the plots do not overlap. They are simply replaced:
# fancy contour with image
image(bivn.kde); contour(bivn.kde, add = T)
image(bivn.kde2); contour(bivn.kde, add = T)
Is this the best approach to what I want or am I just making it hard on myself? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
Perhaps you can use
library. It allows you to create interactive 3d plots.If you want to plot difference between two surfaces then you can do something like below.