I'm having trouble using test-jar
dependencies in a multi-module project. For example, when I declare that the cleartk-syntax
module depends on the cleartk-token
module's test-jar
like this (the full code is here):
I get the following error if I run mvn compile
using maven 2:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
1) org.cleartk:cleartk-token:test-jar:tests:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT
If I use maven 3 I get the error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 4.654s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Jan 24 21:19:17 CET 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project cleartk-syntax: Could not resolve
dependencies for project org.cleartk:cleartk-syntax:jar:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT: Could
not find artifact org.cleartk:cleartk-token:jar:tests:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT
In the latter case, I'm particularly confused because I would have thought it should be looking for an artifact of type test-jar
not of type jar
With maven 2 or maven 3, I can get it to compile by running mvn compile package -DskipTests
. With maven 3, I can also get it to compile by running mvn compile test-compile
But why is either maven 2 or maven 3 looking for a test-jar
dependency during the compile
phase? Shouldn't it wait until the test-compile
phase to look for such dependencies?
Update: The answer was that the maven-exec-plugin, used during my compile phase, requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope:test. I've created a feature request to remove the scope:test dependency.
So I did some serious debugging, and discovered that the problem seems to be an interaction between the
dependencies andmvn compile
.In short, if you attach
to an execution phase,mvn compile
starts looking fortest-jar
dependencies at compile time. If you remove the<executions>
element from theexec:java
plugin declaration,mvn compile
works fine again.I filed a bug report for the
plugin here, though I can't really tell whether the bug is inexec:java
ormvn compile
so perhaps the bug will be moved somewhere else if/when someone figures that out:http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MEXEC-91
Update: It's not really a bug, the maven-exec-plugin is documented as requiring test dependencies here:
That doesn't mean it wouldn't make a great feature. ;-)
I am using maven2. I guess the answer is in the maven lifecycle management. The first step of a default lifecycle is validate, which does 'validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available.' (see http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html ).
So maven just tries its best to get all the needed dependencies for the later execution.
This looks like a definite bug to me.
I have the same problem and tested Maven 3.0.1 and 3.0.2. Validate doesn't fail, only the compile step fails. With Maven 3
mvn compile
breaks butmvn test-compile
works.It appears that the compile phase is looking for test-jar artifacts in the reactor and then repo, but it shouldn't since the dependency is in test scope. Test scope artifacts should be resolved during test-compile, not compile.
As a result, I thought this could be worked around by mapping the maven-compiler-plugin's testCompile goal to the compile phase, instead of the default test-compile phase.
I added this to my pom, right next to the part that adds the test-jar creation in the upstream pom:
But that won't work either because the five phases between compile and test-compile haven't run and set up things like the test classpath.
I guess the real workaround until this bug is fixed is to use
in place ofcompile
.In my case the root cause was that the module which should be used as a dependency in
scope with typetest-jar
did not include the requiredmaven-jar-plugin
configuration. Without the snippet below no test jar will be deployed when you callmvn deploy
on the respective module.See https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-attached-tests.html for more details.