I know I can override all regions to add a fade transition by using the following.
Marionette.Region.prototype.open = function(view){
Is there a way to only override specific regions or views? I have certain regions in my layout that I would like to be able to fade in while other regions should be rendered instantly.
You can define a custom
the way you can define any Backbone object, and add this code to that region type.Note that I included the
in the region definition. If you want to re-use this across multiple regions, you'll have to create a base region and extend from that for each one that you need.Another option that I just used was to override the open method for animations was to create a separate config file, override the open method in that config file, and conditional logic to test for className. So here's what I did with coffee script and using Marionette modules.
Create my view:
And in my config file I just test the className to perform the desired animation: