I am experiencing an issue when resizing a TableView which contains text items that wrap around TableCell items. Upon resizing, hidden values are resized but the visible items do not re-calculate the text wrapping.
The tweets in the red box were hidden during the resize and had their text wrapping adjusted as expected. Tweets above the box were visible during the resize phase and still have the old wrapping.
Below is my code for the resize phase.
fxSearchResultsTableTweet.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Status, String>, TableCell<Status, String>>() {
public TableCell<Status, String> call(TableColumn<Status, String> arg0) {
return new TableCell<Status, String>() {
private Text text;
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (!isEmpty()) {
text = new Text(item.toString());
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just add cell factory on each table of column. It should add before adding your data to table view. It is worked fine for me.
This is closer, but not great:
In 2.2 this displays the wrong height when you add new items to the table, then on resize the cells are sized correctly. In 8 it's almost perfect, just seems to fail after the first item is added (at least in my mock-up).
As noted in the comments,
appears to work better.