I've come across a few smaller lists/sets of names but I was wondering if there is a free data source out there that can provide a list of names (comma delimited or in a sql structure)?
I've found these two sites:
However it seems you can only browse the names, not download a comprehensive file.
Doesn't the US Census Bureau provide this information?
The Census Bureau provides list of common surnames from the 2000 and 1990 censuses: http://www.census.gov/topics/population/genealogy/data/2000_surnames.html http://www.census.gov/topics/population/genealogy/data/1990_census/1990_census_namefiles.html
The 1990 census files also have lists of common male and female names.
I'm compiling a database that contains last names from a variety of different countries and cultures, the UK among them.
The project and its datasets can be found here: https://github.com/enorvelle/NameDatabases(Dead: link, project and GitHub account)This seems to have migrated to github.com/smashew/NameDatabases. (Sole contributer "Erik Norvelle".)
Option 1) I uploaded Millions of people data into github which I crawled from different website and dumped from Google open dataset.
https://github.com/aakashkag/People-Name-List [Github Link for First and last name directory]
Option 2)
Google BigQuery Public Dataset: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/
You can get names from Google open dataset along with gender.
1)Dataset: bigquery-public-data:github_repos
Example: https://app.hyfy.io/v/abRJ75Xizno/
LIMIT 1000 Total Names availble : 18586892)Dateset: bigquery-public-data.github_repos.commits
Query: SELECT author.name as author_name, author.email as author_email, committer.name as committer_name, committer.email as committer_email, repo_name FROM
3)Dateset: bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013`
Or you can get from Linkdin https://www.linkedin.com/directory/people-a
The best source I have been able to find on this is the data provided by the social security administration - unlike the census data, they have first names for every year going back to ~1900.