I have spent the last several years fighting tooth and nail to avoid working with C++ so I'm probably one of a very small number of people who likes systems programming and template meta programming but has absolutely no experience when it comes to the STL and very little C++ template experience.
- Does anyone know of a good document for getting started using STL?
I'd prefer PDF or something else I can kill trees with and I'm looking for something more along the lines of a reference than a tutorial (although an 80/20 split would be nice there).
I ended up using the docs from here, pringing them out via a PDF driver and tacking them together with this idea. Now I'm off to print them off 2-up double sided (190 pages even so, but I have >1k pages in my quota and only 4 months till graduation).
If you want dead trees, maybe you'd be better off with a proper book? I found this one indispensable: The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis
This link surely is old, here is a link for downloading STL documentation in different formats thought will be helpful for enthusiasts like me:
And once you are done reading all the references suggested here, be sure to take a look at "Effective STL" by Scott Meyers.
cplusplus is an easy to read up reference.
STL at Codeproject. Make sure you check the date of the article.
C++ Standard Library at MSDN.
If you are going to do C++, then you need the book "The C++ Programming Language" by Stroustrup. It makes an excellent reference to the STL. I refer to it all the time for all things related to algorithms and containers.
If you need more of a hands-on tutorial approach, then try the Josuttis book as recommended by Mark Ransom.
Here is the reference I'm using. SGI ,
Offline DownloadHere is another reference