I am creating an angular library (version 6) which is based on angular material for which I need to include the hammer js library.
I know that in angular 6 we can add the external js library in the angular.json
under the project's configuration. But this does not work in case of above library. I tried to add the external library in the following way.
"my-library": {
"root": "projects/my-library",
"sourceRoot": "projects/my-library/src",
"projectType": "library",
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr:build",
"options": {
"tsConfig": "projects/my-library/tsconfig.lib.json",
"project": "projects/my-library/ng-package.json",
"scripts": [
But I am getting this error.
Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path "" should NOT have additional properties(scripts).
Please suggest what is the correct way to add external js file in the angular library.
There two possible ways to solve this problem:
1) In your library specify
as peer dependencies so that all the applications that will use your library are required to provide the library themselves (this means that each app will have it's ownangular.json
with thescripts
property containing thehammerjs
js file)2) Use
custom build steps to copy ahammen.min.js
file fromnode_modules
to the dist of a library and use relative import in your code.Let me explain step #2 more detailed:
you want to use some kind of relative import like
but this will result an error because after the library is build, the../dependencies/hammer.min.js
will lead to uncertain place. To make sure that each time not only your.ts
files will be magically transpiled to.js
files but also the static.js
files will be copied to a certain directory of adist
output of a library, you useng-cli-packagr-tasks
. After the build phase theng-cli-packagr-tasks
will copy the files usingglob
so that after you install the library in your application, the static.js
files will be bundled as well. This means that the importimport('../dependencies/hammer.min.js).then()
will always lead to the file you've provided by yourself.To load js file externally from assets
create service file add file to the assets and write path in array.
Inject this ScriptService wherever you need it and load js libs like this
So here are two possible problems we need to address
1) How to add the reference of external JS in the main angular project(demo project)
2) How to add the reference of external JS in NPM package.
The solution for the 1'st scenario is :
Provide the reference of your external JS in your
file of main angular project in a script tag and provide the path of your package from your libraries node_modules folder like this."scripts": [ "./projects/my-cool-library/node_modules/my-exteranl-library/dist/x.js"]
The solution for the 2'nd scenario is :
Approach 1
So now you have created the NPM package from your library and you are going to use it in different project. obviously your 3rd party package dependency will get auto downloaded once you download your package you just have to provide the reference of that JS in script tag of
file of new project."scripts": [ "./node_modules/my-exteranl-library/dist/x.js"]
Approach 2
Don't specify your third party dependency while creating your NPM package remove the entry from
file of your cool-library"dependencies": { "my-exteranl-library": "^1.1.0" <-- Remove this }
and add the js directly in newly created application via CDN in index.html file using script tag<script src="https://demo-cdn.com/ajax/libs/my-exteranl-library/dist/x.js"></script>
There is 3rd way very you can download the JS by writing the code in your library will share here shortly.