I've a table with a popover for every cell as in the follow example:
the call to popover:
<td ng-repeat="i in c.installments" ng-class="{ 'first' : i.first, 'last' : i.last, 'advance' : i.advance.value > 0, 'edited' : i.edited, 'final-installment' : i.last }" popover-trigger="{{ popoverFilter(i) }}" popover-placement="top" popover-title="{{i.id == 0 ? 'Advance' : 'Installment ' + i.id}}" popover-append-to-body="true" popover-template="popoverTemplate(i)" ng-init="payment= i; newpayment= i.amount.rounded_value" >
The popover template:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="editPopoverTemplate.html">
<form name="editPayment">
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : editPayment.newpayment.$invalid }">
<label>New value:</label>
<input type="number" name="newpayment" ng-model="newpayment" class="form-control no-spinner" step="1" min="10" required>
<span ng-messages="editPayment.newpayment.$error" class="help-block" role="alert">
<span ng-message="required">The value is mandatory</span>
<span ng-message="min">The value is too low</span>
<span ng-message="max">The value is too hight</span>
<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" role="group">
<div class="btn-group" role="group">
<button class="btn" type="button">Cancel</button>
<div class="btn-group" role="group">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" ng-disabled="editPayment.$invalid">Save</button>
I need to close the popover via a "Cancel" button inside the popover. It's possible? I need to extend the Angular UI Bootstrap library to do that?
Any help is appreciated.
The solution suggested in the linked answer close the popover when user click inside the popover, or outside the popover, but i need to close it by "close" button inside the popover.
Starting with Angular UI Bootstrap release 0.13.4, we've added the ability to programmatically close tooltips and popovers via the
boolean attribute.The proper solution using the new
attribute, as mentioned by @icfantv below, allows the use of controller scopes. I placed a live example in Codepen, and it goes like this:Original answer:
I spent the last two days on this problem, and finally came up with a simple enough hack. This goes on my controller:
Now we set up the close trigger on the provider:
And on my custom popover HTML template:
Voila! I can now close the popover through the button!
This solution for several
popovers viaisOpen
field of popover's scope.