Resharper is formatting multiline method calls like this:
I would prefer it to align the closing parenthesis with the first line e.g.:
I've looked through the Resharper code layout options, but cannot see the right setting. Can someone tell me how to achieve this alternative formatting?
In Visual Studio, go to Resharper > Options > Languages > C# > Formatting Style > Other > Indentation > Continuous line indent multiplier and set it to 0.
Can I recommend you take a look at StyleCop, and then StyleCop for ReSharper?
StyleCop allows you to create exceptions or warnings for various types of formatting. The latter project, StyleCop for ReSharper allows ReSharper to automatically implement certain formats. There is quite a steep learning curve initially with SfR, but it is well worthwhile. This is a very under-used tool, and I wish Microsoft would advertise StyleCop more.
Both are Codeplex projects, and can be found at their respective URL's:
I hope this helps you out somewhat.
In 2016.2 version appeared an option Intent method calls' parenthesis.
It does exactly what you expect: