Is there anyway to start a Spotify Track from its URI ?
I've tried the following approaches but none of them work. When Spotify opens, it always lands in the Playlists page, instead of the track's player.
String spotifyTrackURI = "spotify:track:1cC9YJ8sQjC0T5H1fXMUT2";
Intent launchIntent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("");
// I've tried with Intent#putExtra()..
launchIntent.putExtra( SearchManager.QUERY, spotifyTrackURI );
// or with setData
First one is for old Spotify version. For new versions you can use the second.
In this way it will first try with old version, if it fails with an exception it try with the second one :)
If you get playlist for Artist on Spotify app. You need to start following intent. You do not need to package name or activity of Spotify.
Found the answer on the #spotify channel on Freenode (irc). Thanks everyone!
I'm putting it here for other people to know about: