For example, i use this code for testing routes:
$app->get('/api', function () {
echo 'get!';
$app->post('/api', function () {
echo 'post!';
$app->put('/api', function () {
echo 'put!';
For api testing i use RestClient plugin for Chrome.
When i try do GET request, response is 'get!'. Its good.
When i try do POST request, response also is 'get!'. Why? Its must be 'post!'.
When i try do PUT request, (in Response Headers: Allow: GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,TRACE ) Slim response have 405 error (Method Not Allowed) with message:
"The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL /api."
What am I doing wrong?
Be sure that your
is the following (from slimphp/Slim@2.x):