I've used Backbone.js, I've learned about Knockout.js; however, now I found out about Knockback.js. It is supposed to get the best out of the other two tried& proven frameworks. Do you have any experience with Knockback in production? I'm wary to use it since it doesn't seem to be mature enough.
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I wouldn't use it yet. It's hard enough to get corporate buy in on knockoutJS.
I guess it all has to do with the size of your company, the willingness to support alpha / beta / volatile open source projects.
It is the nature of the beast, this bleeding edge of innovation. Skating that thin ice of unsuportability.
I've been using Knockback on a large multi-module project with good results. The docs and examples are unnecessarily complex, so I wrote a blog describing Knockback with some very simple examples and a JSFiddle to get you started.
Feedback is most welcome!