Last week I upgraded my Windows Github to Github Desktop.
It is certainly a lot faster than that last update they made for Github Windows. It also has a nice little visual timeline of commits and maybe I am being dumb, but the ability to delete local branches seems to be gone.
Before it was under “manage branches” (also gone). Any idea?
In v3.0.5 they have added the option to delete local branches from the gear menu.
In desktop, make sure you are in the correct branch, and press "ctr+shift+D".This should delete the branch, this method works in windows; I cant confirm for other Linux/Mac.
Sometimes I have a strange behaviour with GitHub Desktop: when I delete a branch in GitHub Shell, the branch continues to shown into the drop-down menù of GitHub Desktop! ... same behaviour with the "Delete branch-name..." function of GitHub Desktop.
I solved with
git show-ref
to list all refswhen there are the ref to remote, GitHub Desktop can't delete at all the branch.
You can't remove a ref with
git update-ref -d refs/remotes/origin/branch*
and then you haveNow you can remove the branc with
git branch -d branch*
I personally confirmed that, on the new version, advanced branch management has been removed, and you can only delete branches from the website.
As a personal recommendation, you should give Atlassian SourceTree a try. Works like a charm, it's free (requires a free registration), and even when it's originally developed to work with Atlassian's BitBucket repositories, it also works well with GitHub.
And BTW, with SourceTree, you can remove GitHub branches :)
Hope it helps!
In GitHub Desktop v2, you can delete the current branch here:
With the following dialog allowing you to delete it from remote as well:
On Mac OSX:
for everyone having this problem with the latest version: Select the branch that you want to delete, go to "Branch" -> "Delete Branch"
On Windows:
Here's the answer I got from github CS when I contacted them about this:
I've noticed there is a delay (about 2 or 3 minutes) between deleting the local branch in the shell and git desktop realizing the change.
In 3.0.5 They added Delete the current branch from the gear menu.