I understand both are built over Jupyter noteboooks but run in cloud. Why do we have two then?
- Why do Dataflow steps not start?
- __call__() missing 1 required positional argument:
- Cannot upload large file to Google Cloud Storage
- How to set query parameters dialogflow php sdk
- Google Data Studio connect to cloud datastore
- How do I create a persistent volume claim with Rea
- GKE does not scale to/from 0 when autoscaling enab
- Can't push image to google container registry
- Your application has authenticated using end user
Google App Engine Error:
INVALID_ARGUMENT - How to create a namespace if it doesn't exists
- How can I make http call to DialogFlow V2 using si
- Connect to Postresql database from Google Colab
Jupyter is the only thing these two services have in common.
Colaboratory is a tool for education and research. It doesn’t require any setup or other Google products to be used (although notebooks are stored in Google Drive). It’s intended primarily for interactive use and long-running background computations may be stopped. It currently only supports Python.
Cloud Datalab allows you to analyse data using Google Cloud resources. You can take full advantage of scalable services such as BigQuery and Machine Learning Engine to analyse, manipulate and visualise data. You can use it with Python, SQL, and JavaScript.
Google Colaboratory is free. But, you are limited to one spec of cpu/ram/disk/gpu.
Google Datalab is paid. You pay for whatever specs you want.
The notebook interface is also a bit different between the two.