I have created a form-based program that needs some input validation. I need to make sure the user can only enter numeric values within the distance Textbox.
So far, I've checked that the Textbox has something in it, but if it has a value then it should proceed to validate that the entered value is numeric:
else if (txtEvDistance.Text.Length == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the distance");
else if (cboAddEvent.Text //is numeric)
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid numeric distance");
You can do this way
Here's a solution that allows either numeric only with a minus sign or decimal with a minus sign and decimal point. Most of the previous answers did not take into account selected text. If you change your textbox's ShortcutsEnabled to false, then you can't paste garbage into your textbox either (it disables right-clicking). Some solutions allowed you to enter data before the minus. Please verify that I've caught everything!
To check if the value is a double: