On an Android device, opening a link to an app on Google Play:
will automatically open the Google Play app by default.
But if you have a link that redirects to the Google Play link, the device opens the browser and then navigates to the browser version of Google Play. Why does this behavior occur?
Unfortunately I cannot use the market:// with Intents which can open Play, I have only control over a web link.
edit: Seems like if I have the link redirect to the market:// url, it can open with Google Play on device.
If link is opened in browser, somehow it is able to redirect to browser version of Google Play despite market:// not being supported in browser.
My guess would be that the behaviour is enforced by Google. Redirects would potentially make it easier for developers with bad intentions to install their apps. Google probably checks if the user comes from a redirect, and if yes it doesn't trigger opening of the Play app.
Basically, the https://play.... is just a web URL. I suspect the way this works (which is the way standard way Android works) is:
You can either call the Play Market directly with the market intent, or use the URL way. I personally use the URL way - even though there are some additional challenges to use it (like handling this particular issue).