I have a function that goes like this:
fileprivate func setupImageViewWithURL(url: URL) {
var image: UIImage? = nil
do {
try image = UIImage(data: Data(contentsOf: url))!
} catch is NSError {
image = self.imageWithImage(sourceImage: image!, scaledToWidth: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width)
self.imageImageView.image = image
self.imageImageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height: (image?.size.height)!)
I want to run it on a Background
I've tried the GDC
methods of Swift2
, but it didn't work.
Did anything change in the thread topic in Swift3
Thank you!
Swift 4.0
It's OK to load image on the background, but it's not OK to perform UI updates on background thread. That's why the function must contain two threads.