I need to create, manage and drop schemas on the fly. If I go to create a schema that already exists, I want to (conditionally, via external means) drop and recreate it as specified. How can I check for the existence of said schema on my Postgres 9 server?
Currently, I'm doing this:
select exists (select * from pg_catalog.pg_namespace where nspname = 'schemaname');
but I feel like there's probably another way... is this the "proper" way to query Postgres for the existence of a particular schema?
NONE of those will work if you have objects (tables,sprocs,views) within a particular schema - IT WILL FAIL during DROP...
CREATE & MANAGE is the easy part.. It's the drop that will get you.. Anyways, I couldn't find a suitable answer, so I posted here for others..
SEE LINK HERE: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/transactsql/thread/4753d1b8-f547-44c6-b205-aa2dc22606ba/#6eb8238a-305e-40d5-858e-0fbd70454810
If you want to create a schema if it doesn't exist you can just execute:
Source: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createschema.html
This can be one of the approaches. Drop the schema first and then create it.
Somewhat related and perhaps of interest to others looking for conditional schema creation. I found myself using code like this in some of my creation scripts:
If you are a total purist or you want to gain some milisecs. I recommend you to make use of postgres native system catalog. One can avoid then nested loop which is caused by calling pg_catalog anyway...
If you querying pg_namespace directly:
Planer's work is much simpler:
So your own solution was the best.
The following query will tell you whether a schema exists.