I can't see this question anywhere else, it's hopefully a quick and easy one.
How can I use HTML5 validators, such as 'required', in my forms (ruby on rails)?
Eg, How would this basic form look if I used HTML5 validation in it?
<%=form_for @testimonial do |t|%>
<dt><label for="testimonial_rating">Rating</label></dt>
<dd><%=t.select :rating, Testimonial.ratings%></dd>
<dt><label for="testimonial_content">Comments</label></dt>
<dd><%=t.text_area :content, :rows => 3%></dd>
<dd><button class="button success">Submit Review</button></dd>
It goes without saying that server side validation is still required.
Just to add on, if you have an email field, you can also use 'pattern' attribute to validate the format of email
For completing other answers, there is an awesome gem html5_validations which makes the most of the HTML5 validations reading from ActiveRecord Validations from the model. No extra code needed, just installing it.